  • Created by: D.ikomi
  • Created on: 21-02-17 08:59
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    • Conformity
      • Asch
        • Comparison lines and standard line
        • 75% conformed at least once (to avoid rejection)
        • Asch Variation
          • Group size
            • 3 confederates needed. any more than that makes not much change
          • Unanimity
          • Tast difficulty
      • Zimbardo
        • Guards took up role with enthusiasm
        • Procedure- stopped after   6 days (instead of 14)
        • Within 2 days prisoners rebelled.
      • Types of conformity, Compliance ,Internalisation, Indetification
      • ISI
        • Explanation of conformity that says we agree with the majority because we believe it is correct.
        • Cognitive process
        • New to a person?      Ambiguous situation?
        • Lucas et al- Maths questions... Difficulty
      • NSI
        • Explanation of conformity that says we agree with the majority just to be accepted in the group
        • NSI does not affect everyones behaviour in the same way.( people who are less concerned about what people think.
    • Obedience
      • Milgram
        • 40 Males offered $4.50
        • Confederate-learner, Participant- Teacher
        • prods
          • 'Please continue'
          • the experiment requires that you continue
        • 65% continued to the highest of 450 volts
        • situation variables
          • Proximity
            • if authority figure is distant, it is easier to restrict orders. (e.g phone call from experimenter in a different room)
          • Location
            • High status uni- high credibility
          • Uniform
            • Uniform gives status- (casj clothes=obedience fell
      • Explanations
        • Agentic state
          • People would obey an authority figure when they believe that the authority will take responsibility for the consequences of their action
          • Autonomous state
            • Free to behave in their own principles and feel responsible for their actions
          • Binding factors
          • Blass and Schmitt - blamed experimenter (legitimate authority) EV
          • Does not explain why people did not obey. - only account for some situations of obedience  EV
        • Legitimacy of authority
          • People tend to obey others if they recognise their authority as morally right.
          • Cultual differences - Australia&Germany.


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