Renaissance (1450-1800) Treatments

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  • Renaissance Treatments
    • Apothecaries mixed up medicines for physicians in towns and cities and also sold to the public directly. However a lot of their medicines were toxic
    • There were alot more ‘quack doctors’ within medieval treatments and magical cures for the majority to use because they were a lot less expensive
    • Women lost their status in this period however as they were ‘not licensed’ but they acted as midwives and were still used by most people in the more rural areas as healers
    • Bleeding and Purging were still the main forms of treatment
    • Superstition was still in use, such as the touch of the king for scrofula
    • In 1796 Edward Jenner found a vaccine for Smallpox by giving James Phipps, a small boy, a dose of cowpox and then smallpox as he had heard from milkmaids that after they got cowpox they wouldn’t get smallpox
    • Initially Doctors were against vaccination as they made lots of money from inoculation and Jenner was giving out vaccinations for free. However the British government funded vaccination programs in the 1840’s and Napoleon was known to be grateful towards Jenner.


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