Punjabi heritage

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  • Punjabi heritage in Anita and Me
    • 'But for her looking glamorous in saris and formal Indian suits was part of the English peoples education
      • 'said casually... "stupid bloody wog, stupid woggy wog'
    • Every weekend was taken up with visiting Indian families or being invaded by them'
      • 'as if committing them to memory would make up for not being with them'
    • ' constant source of embarrassment to me that our front garden was the odd one out in the village.. bordered with various herbs'
      • 'i wanted to shed my body like a snake slithering out of its skin'
    • 'i desperately wanted to visit India'
      • 'a part of me would be forever Indian'
    • 'This food was not just something to fill a hole... it was the food their far-away mothers made and came seasoned with memory and longing'
      • 'of course they would deify her, their own guilt and homesickness would see to that'


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