Process of Collectivisation

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  • Process of Collectivisation
    • In the winter of 1927-28, the peasants did not deliver enough food for the cities. Food Requistioning was used by the Party to make up the shortfall.
    • This brought the issue of agriculture to the fore. It had been hoped that collectivisation could occur voluntarily, but this was not working. Party members were sent to the countryside to help with the harvest.
    • Stalin's original intention was to produce Sovkozes, or State Farms, where all the land was owned by the state, all the produce went to the state and workers were paid wages.
    • The wages were paid whether the workers worked well or badly. These farms proved very expensive and few were set up.
    • Instead Kolkhozes, or Collective Farms, were introduced. Here workers kept plots of land for themselves and had to supply fixed amounts of food to the state at fixed prices.
    • The workers kept what was left for themselves. If there was nothing left they starved. 240,000 of these farms were set up by 1940.
    • Poor peasants were encouraged to denounce hoarding, and rewarding with 25% of any grain discovered.
    • Afer the harvest of 1929 there was a great campaign to collective. Peasants were supposed to vote on collectivisation, but oin most cases it was forced through by party officials.


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