Problems With Tourism

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  • Problems Of Tourism
    • Benidorm
      • Environmental
        • Air + Water Pollution
        • Urbanisation since 1990
        • 30,000 Pools
          • Uses around 880 litres of water per day.
        • Boats harming ecology
      • Economical
        • Will become too reliant on tourism.
        • Owe USA E1.9 billion for 3 years - so are in debt. Needed to boot tourism.
        • Money spent on authorities to control the effects of tourism.
    • Majorca
      • Economical
        • Seasonal employment + low wages.
        • Shops for tourists rather than the locals.
        • House prices are increasing due to the demand for holiday homes making it harder for locals to buy.
      • Other
        • Loss of culture
        • Air + Water pollution.
        • Building on nature - urbanization.
        • Litter
        • Congestion increase


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