Primary/secondary immune response

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  • Primary/Secondary immune response
    • Types
      • Cellular: T-cells/other immune system cells they interact with e.g phagocytes
      • Humoral: B cells, clonal selection and production of monoclonal antibodies
    • Primary immune response
      • 1) Antigen enters body first time, activates immune system
      • 2) Slow, not many B cells that can make antibody
      • 3) Eventually, body produces enough of right antibody to overcome infection. Infected person shows symptoms
      • 4) T cells/B cells produce memory cells, which remain in body for long time. T cells remember specific antigen, B cells remember specific antibodies
      • 5) Person immune- ability to respond quickly second time round
    • Secondary immune response
      • 1) If same pathogen enters body again, immune system produces quicker, stronger response
      • 2) Clonal selection faster. Memory B cells activated, divide into plasma cells that produce antibody. Memory T cells activated, divide into correct type of T cells to kill antigen
      • 3) Secondary response kills pathogen before symptoms shown


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