2018 Pre-release - PopUp Bank Security Issues

  • Created by: ashjack
  • Created on: 24-04-18 09:29
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  • PopUp Bank Security Issues & necessary measures
    • Use of mobile devices
      • Risk of Theft
        • Have a strong password
        • Encrypt any personal data stored on the device
        • Use a data purging app
      • Malware
        • Use anti-malware software
    • Use of hired premises
      • Wireless networks may not be secure
        • Use a VPN
        • Use 2-step authetication
        • Hide SSID of connecting devices
      • Spoof Networks
        • Emphasise the correct network name
    • Central Data Storage Location
      • Physical Security Risk
        • CCTV Cameras
        • Guards
        • Lock Server Rooms
      • External Disasters
        • Fire
        • Terrorist Attack
        • Backup data
        • Have a hot or cold site
    • Key


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