Parliamentary Influence

  • Created by: lemonboyy
  • Created on: 30-11-20 23:26
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  • Parliamentary Influences
    • Political Influences
      • Each party writes a manifesto outlining their plans if they get elected e.g  The LASPO Act 2012
    • Lobbyists
      • Individualss or groups can become sponsored by an MP, who will use their status to boost the issue and gain it some publicity e.g The Sunbeds (Regulations) a
    • Media & Public Opinion
      • The media are able to report on key events happening in the country in the format of television, newspaper andfradio and social media, and they are able to easily sway the publics opinion on a subject
    • Pressure Groups
      • Pressure groups are split into two types: the first, Sectional pressure groups, aim to represent the interest s of certain groups in society and promote the interests of their members e.g the Health Act 2006, and the second, Cause pressure groups, who promote a particular cause idea or belief such as Greenpeace or Amnesty International The League Against Cruel Sports was able to enact the Hunting Act 2004


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