Parliamentary law & delegated legislation


  • Created by: mark snow
  • Created on: 11-10-13 09:31

House of Commons

Explain the stages within the House of Commons.

1 of 21

House of Lords

Explain the stages within the House of Lords.

2 of 21


Parliament is made up of 3 institutions, what are they?

3 of 21


Explain what the green paper and white paper are with examples of each.

4 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

What do the Parliament Acts of 1911 & 1949 do?

5 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain the difference between private bills, private members bills and public bills?

6 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Referring to Dicey, what is Parliamentary supremacy?

7 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Referring to Factortame and the Treaty of Rome, how does the European Union limit Parliamentary supremacy?

8 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Referring to some of the Articles, how does the Human Rights Act 1998 limit Parliamentary supremacy?

9 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Referring to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, how does devolution limit Parliamentary supremacy?

10 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Name 4 influences on Parliamentary law-making.

11 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain how the Law Commission influences Parliamentary law-making.

12 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain how pressure groups influence Parliamentary law-making.

13 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain how the media and public opinion influence Parliamentary law-making.

14 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain how political parties and manifestoes influence Parliamentary law-making.

15 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the Parliamentary process.

16 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the Law Commission as an influence on Parliamentary law-making.

17 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of pressure groups as an influence on parliamentary law-making.

18 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the media and public opinion as an influence on Parliamentray law-making. 

19 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of political parties and manifestoes as an influence on Parliamentary law-making.

20 of 21

Parliamentary law & delegated legislation

Explain 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of political parties and manifestoes as an influence on Parliamentary law-making.

21 of 21


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