Of Mice and Men brief revision

  • Created by: EloiseRN
  • Created on: 17-05-16 19:47
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  • Of Mice and Men
    • Themes
      • Prejudice
        • Racism
          • Crooks
        • Sexism
          • Curley's wife
        • Ageism
          • Candy
      • Loneliness
        • All the migrant farm workers
      • Dreams
        • All the migrant farm workers, George and Lennie especially, and Curley's wife (to be in 'the pictures')
      • violence
        • Curley and Lennie
      • Power
        • Strength/weakness
          • Curley has a lot of strength, as he is a fighter
          • Lennie has strength however is weakened by his child-like mind
        • The boss, Curley and Slim
    • Characters
      • Lennie
      • George
      • The boss
      • Candy
      • Crooks
      • Curley
      • Curley's wife
      • Carlson
      • Slim
      • Aunt Clara
    • Context
      • Published in 1937
      • Set in Soledad, which means 'lonely'
      • Great depression- 1929
        • Due to Wall street crash
        • 'American Dream' everyone had- to own a land of their own
        • Men left their families, travelled for work, nothing was permanent, they were known as 'migrant farm workers'


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