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    • Migrant Worker
      • Related to Dust Bowl
      • Related to Great Depression
      • Farmers Migrated to California and other countries due to the Dust Storm Killing their Crops
    • Migrant Dream
      • George and Lennie
        • Get enough Money to Buy their own House and Plot of Farm
        • They dream of Roots, Stability and Independence
          • Get enough Money to Buy their own House and Plot of Farm
    • Dust Bowl
      • Dust Storm
      • Linked with the Great Depression
      • Ruined Crops
      • Small farmers in debt
      • Farmers migrated to California for work.
    • Great Depression
      • October 1929
      • Stock Prices rose unsustainably
      • The Great Depression lasted 10 years Worldwide
    • Racial Discrimination
      • 50% Of Black Americans Were Unimployed
      • During The Great Depression
      • In Some Cities, White People called for Black People to be unemployed
      • Black People received less aid
      • Black People were Sometimes not allowed to use Charity Soup Kitchens
      • There was a lot of racial violence


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