Maurice Wiles Miracles

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  • Maurice Wiles
    • Arbitraty and Partisan
      • Arbitrary:Wiles targets the story of the water being turned into wine and argues that the event is done to prevent the embarrassment of the hosts. However, in a world where suffering occurs on such a large scale, this would seem to be an arbitrary whim on God’s part
      • Partisan:
    • In 1986, Wiles wrote “The Action of God in the World”, which aimed to explain how God could be seen as taking part in the affairs of people and show concern for the events in history, but in a reinterpreted way that could make sense to modern people, rather than those in biblical time.
    • God: The Sole purpose of God is to create and sustain the world. He is a desitic force. He does not intervene.
    • Miracles:
      • Miracles occur only infrequently or the concept of laws of nature become meaningless.
      • Can only happen to some people
      • Large number of evil events not prevented by god raise questions about greatness.
        • ' It seems strange that no miraculous intervention prevented aushwitz or the holocaust.'
      • The whole universe is the single creative act of God. It reveals God to people, and his activity is present, sustaining every part of the universe.
    • Holds  A Realist Position
    • Criticisms:
      • Keith Ward in Divine Action replies to Wiles and claims God can act in the world but does so only occasionally, as otherwise the whole order of creation would be disrupted. God would only act for the best but can be influenced by prayer to act in some cases and not in others. God’s purpose in these responses is not to reduce suffering (hence the fact that He does not seem to have responded in situations of enormous suffering, such as at Auschwitz) but is to build faith.
      • Who are we to judge God by human moral standards? If God wants to save someone and not someone else, who are we to question this? The story of Job - the ways and plans of God are well above the understanding of mere mortals.
  • Large number of evil events not prevented by god raise questions about greatness.
    • ' It seems strange that no miraculous intervention prevented aushwitz or the holocaust.'


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