Matthew's Gospel: Proof Texts (Messiah)

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  • Matthew's 'Proof Texts'
    • Line of David (******)
      • 1:1 Genealogy of Jesus
        • Jesus is descended from David, through Joseph
      • Referred to as 'Son of David'
    • Messiah would be New Moses
      • Both promote laws on mountains
      • Mount of transfiguration: Moses seen as Jesus' forerunner
      • Feeding of the 5000
    • Miracles
      • Messiah was said to be divine
    • Restore the Temple
      • Jesus cleanses the Temple
        • Died to cleanse our sins
      • New Covenant
      • Shows God's true message
    • Birth Narrative
      • Jesus’ birth is the climax of God’s long story with Israel.
        • True significance of Jesus will be seen at his death
      • To be called Jesus (God saves/Saviour)
        • To be called Emmanuel (God with us)
    • Out of Egypt I Have Called My Son (******)
      • Originally for Israel, now for Jesus
      • Jesus is here to become the new Israel/restore faith


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