Leeds Case Study

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  • Leeds Case Study
    • Where is it?
      • West Yorkshire, Northern England
    • Migration
      • International
        • 89% percent of  Leeds population Born in UK
        • WW11 Polish refugees in city center
      • National
        • 30,000 student demand housing
        • Driven an increse in entertainment, clothes, shops, nightlife and food options
        • Large cafe culture has developed
    • Ways of life
      • Culture
        • Cafe culture
      • Industry
        • Headquarters of ASDA
        • Developed digital infastructure
        • M&s opened first arcade in leeds in 1884 and  have grown ever since
      • Sport
        • 2014 tour de france started in leeds
          • Trying to raise the city's profile
      • New Developments
        • new buildings along waterfront
        • Council building affordable homes for homelessness
        • AONB nearby
    • Contemporary Challenges
      • Studentifiication
        • Student community replaces local community
          • High crime rate
          • More pubs and takeaways
      • Housing availibility
        • rise in property price
          • Studentifiication
            • Student community replaces local community
              • High crime rate
              • More pubs and takeaways
      • Transport
        • demands for better mass transportation systems
        • Fares rising
      • Waste
        • every family produces 590g of waste a year
      • Social inequality
        • 15% on jobseekers allowance
        • third highest levels of inequality of any city in the UK
      • Loss of local businessess
        • Large retail development for such as Eastgate have caused loss of local business




So helpful, thank you!



Doesn't show all info but still quite helpful.

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