Key Issue - Is Eyewitness Testimony Reliable?

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  • Key Issue - Is Eyewitness Testimony Reliable?
    • Describe the issue
      • Eye witness- Someone who sees a crime committed
      • They are asked to testify in court and are usually the deciding factor is someone is found innocent or guilty
      • If the information they give is unreliable then people could be found guilty to crimes they didn't commit
    • Multi Store Model
      • Long-term is a life long Store
        • HM remembered everything about his past life
      • If the information was not rehearsed it'll never make it to the Long-term
    • Working Memory Model
      • Once the event have been processed in the VSS it can be replayed in the visual cache
        • KF, Spatial memory was  completely intact after the accident left him with a digit span of one
      • Only focuses in depth on the short-term
        • We don't know the capacity of the Long-term
    • Reconstructive Memory
      • Schemas
        • If we fill in information about events using our experiences then the event can be altered without use realizing
        • Picking Cotton
        • The War of the Ghosts
    • Loftus and Palmer
      • Participants were much more accurate when emtional
        • Eye witnesses are likely to be emotional when experiencing a crime
        • Lab experiment- Low ecological validity
      • The "facts" changed when the verb was changed
        • Police interviews must follow the cognitive interview
        • Questions asked within court roms could be influential


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