Stalins power base

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  • How did Stalin build up his power base?
    • Party Secretary. This position gave him control of the business of the Politburo. e.g. drawing up agendas and papers - this gave him control over what was discussed and what info other members recieved
  • Positions in Orgburo and the secretariat. These gave him control of appointments to positions of responsibility in the party - He could put his supporters in key positions.
    • How did Stalin build up his power base?
      • Party Secretary. This position gave him control of the business of the Politburo. e.g. drawing up agendas and papers - this gave him control over what was discussed and what info other members recieved
  • Control of the party organisation. This meant he could influence the selection of delegates who were sent to the annual party congress where major issues of policy were decided and the central committee was chosen - could pack congress with his supporters.
    • Control of party membership. This allowed him to get rid of more radical elements - soldiers and sailors- who were likely to support Trotsky. Stalin supervised the 'Lenin Enrolement' of 1924 and 1925, in which the party almost doubled in its membershiop. many new members were young, urban workers and Stalin's practical policies appealed to them.


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