Information Processing

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  • Information Processing
    • Basic Model
      • Input
        • Information from the sense
          • Auditory
          • Visual
          • Kinaesthesis
          • Balance
          • Filter irrelevant information
      • Decision Making
        • Decision made on the course of action to take
          • Links to the memory & motor programmes
      • Output
        • The skill is performed
      • Feedback
        • Information received on the performance of the skill
    • Whitings Model
      • Environment
        • Where we gain information needed to perform the skill
      • Display
        • Information available to the performer
      • Receptor Systems
        • Information from the display
          • Visual
            • Seeing
          • Auditory
            • Listening
          • Proprioception
            • Touch
              • Feel of equipment on skin
            • Kinaesthesis
              • Internal muscle feeling
                • Whether the movement feels correct
            • Equilibrium
              • Information about whether the body is balanced
      • Perceptual Mechanisms
        • DCR Process
          • Detection, Comparison, Recognition
            • Detect - receive cues
              • Comparison - cues compared to those stored in memory
                • Recognition - Understand the response needed based on memory
        • Selective Attention
          • irrelevant cues/ information are filtered out
            • Aids concentration
            • Improves reaction time
            • Controls arousal
            • Filters out distractions
      • Translatory Mechanisms
        • Decision made about what action to take
          • Links to previous experience sin the long term memory
            • Correct reposes selected from a motor programme
      • Effector Mechanisms
        • Impulses are sent to the working muscles
          • This enables the action to be carried out
      • Muscular System
        • Muscles receive the impulses
          • Muscles become ready for action
      • Output data
        • Movement/ action performed
      • Feedback Data
        • Intrinsic
          • Proprioception
        • Extrinsic
          • Coach, crowd
    • Memory System
      • Central Executive
        • Drives the whole system (e.g., the boss of working memory) and allocates data to the subsystems: the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad.
      • Phonological Loop
        • Delivers auditory information
          • Temporary storage system
            • Creates a memory trace
              • Sent to long term memory
                • Triggers a motor programme
              • Fades if not rehearsed or practiced
      • Integral part of info processing
        • Stores and retrieves information
          • Makes comparisons to LTM
      • Visuospatial sketchpad
        • Holds visual and spatial information temporarily
          • Also stores kinaesthetic info
      • Episodic Buffer
        • Hold 3-4 chunks of information or episodes
          • Different parts of working memory to talk to each other
            • Produces sequences to send to LTM
              • Initiates a motor programme
    • LTM
      • Working Memory
        • Limited capacity 7-10 30 seconds
      • Once the skill is practiced moves to LTM as MP
        • Memory trace produced
          • Compared to LTM & MP recalled
            • Initiaites MP
      • Unlimited Capacity


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