If Only They Didn't Speak English - Anger

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  • Anger
    • why are electors angry?
      • divisions:
        • black and white
        • young and old
        • rich and poor
        • urban and rural
        • educated and uneducated
        • those doing well and those left behind
      • angry about...
        • value of homes / wages / politics / politicians / illegal immigrants / job security / savings
        • Wall Street / college fees / Congress / anti-gun laws / loans / Obama / healthcare / children's futures / value of homes
    • not 'who do I like the most' but 'who do I loathe the least'
    • unique coverage of election
      • inappropriate sexual discussions
      • Access Hollywood sex tape from 2005, Trump boasted about women
      • 11 days before polling day, FBI reopened investigation into Clinton's emails
    • change
      • mainstream politics became populist, exotic, unpredictable
      • Trump was un-conventional
      • since 2000, >80% of USA's metropolitan areas have seen household income decline
    • Bernie Sanders
      • Sanders' supporters did not like Clinton
      • their votes went to Trump
    • pros of Obama
      • private sector added jobs for 81 consecutive months
        • 15 million new jobs in all
      • un-employment peaked at 10% in 2008 more than halved
    • social mobility stopped
      • you had to be part of the 1% to move up
      • education was needed
      • low paid jobs had moved abroad
    • solutions
      • Trump: wanted to bring jobs back to America
      • Sanders: wanted to bring jobs back to America
      • Trump: anti-Mexican, anti-Muslim, blocked Muslims from entering the US
        • supporters created civil unrest in the form of hate crimes
          • 'Lyin' Ted' / 'little Marco' / 'low-energy Jeb' / 'crooked Hillary'
    • TV
      • Republican TV debate, given 3 hours prime time
      • Trump blamed  the media for all his problems
      • he didn't match the other candidates' spending
      • Russia helped Trump


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