How the Debate has Impacted on Recent Political Issues

  • Created by: DaisyR13
  • Created on: 08-06-14 21:02
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  • How the Debate has Impacted on Recent Political Issues
    • The Nature of the Debate
      • Conservatives want to make English the official language of the state to stop Spanish
      • Conservatives want to preserve the dominance of the English language as a way of preserving American political values
      • Liberals want to help Hispanics and make provisions for Spanish speakers
    • Traditional English only Movement
      • Pro English, preserve English as the language and persuade lawmakers to adopt English as the official language
      • In 1907 Roosevelt said they only had room for one language
      • US English, English needs to be the official language to help expand opportunities for immigrants
    • Recent English only Campaigns
      • 2000 Arizona passed proposition 203 which banned use of any other language except English in state schools
        • Both have large Hispanic population
          • 1998 California proposition 227 passed which stopped bi-lingual education in schools
      • 1998 California proposition 227 passed which stopped bi-lingual education in schools
      • 1994 Tanton and other former US English associates founded Pro English to defend Arizona's English only law
        • By 1998 25 states had English only laws and English as the official language
      • 80% speak English and 12.4% speak Spanish
      • 1983 Dr John Tanton and Senator S.I. Hayakawa founded US English, aims to control and reduce immigration
      • 2009 Nashville Tennessee rejected to make them the largest city to prohibit the use of another language except English
    • Opposition to English only
      • 2009 Nashville Tennessee rejected to make them the largest city to prohibit the use of another language except English
      • Representative Jose Serrano of New York promoted English Plus which aims to promote other languages
      • The American Civil Liberties Union , English only laws are inconsistent with the first Amendment and freedom of speech
      • Use of Spanish is too common to stop
        • Florida with a large Hispanic population uses Spanish media and bilingualism is a way of life
      • Under Clinton bilingualism made some progress and started to improve services to those with limited English


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