Identity 2

  • Created by: clararose
  • Created on: 14-12-15 09:58
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  • Identity
    • Sexuality
      • Ann Corbin (97) say was not till the 17th century that your sexuality became something that you are rather than something you chose. Sexuality can be seen as a social construct much like gender.
    • Heteronormativity
      • The acceptance that heterosexuality is the norm and all other types are abnormal and deviant
    • Lesbian women
      • Ann taylor (97) says that they have always had a lower profile than gay men
    • Rich (80)  women are down trodden by men in this male led society. 'Compulsory straight' describes socialisation nto subordinate and hetero roles. Lesbian is threat to male power in an obvious way.
    • Mclntosh (96) If homosexual accepts the gay label he can start to fullfil the expectations that go along with the label. Needs to be broken because show how people change (gareth harris)
    • Homosexuality is a process. Accept who you are, seek out and others from the subculture will help.  Your being the person you are taught you should be. dont have to act in a homosexual way to have a homosexual identity,
    • Gay but not gay- Weeks (91) says some people are part gay scene but do not have same sex relationships. Have sex but not gay, being gay but not being seen like that.
    • Heterosexulaity- men come more into touch with femanine side (emotions, cooking, dress) Lees (86) It is ok for men to hunt women and they have to accept this. (men sexual predators0
    • Two models of disability.
      • Medical model: person is unable t do what most people take for granted. person is abnormal and inferior, only a cure or constant care could correct it.
      • Social model- biological disability is less important than social divisibility. Oliver (96) society disables physically impaired people due to stereotypical attitudes held by able bodied. Best (05) the problem in societies prejudices, not the body of disabled people. (socially exclude them)
    • Disability is not an negative, independence isn't an aspect of not being normal. Marsh and keatings (06) everyone is interdependent (depend on each other). Socialised into not knowing how to react around them.
    • Finklestein (Marxist 90)- capitalism (money driven society) emphasise on work as basis for identity, status and power is linked to negative views on disabled.
    • Learned helplessness- negative impact on how they view themselves (disabled) learnt to be helpless so have to rely on others.
    • Longmore (87) found media presents disabled as evil,monsters, dependant, Dont fit into the main stream society, Wood (12) disabled rarely employed in media- stereotype are likely to be challenged.
    • London paralympics 2012 shows positive coverage
    • Disabled identity and resistance- disabled people dont want help because they want to be seen as the same as others.


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