Howlin' Wolf - I'm Leavin' You

A 2013 Set work

  • Created by: Charlie
  • Created on: 30-03-13 20:24
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  • Howlin' Wolf
    • Background
      • Composed:  in recording September 1958
      • Genre: Chicago rhythm & blues
      • First Performance: Chicago blues club or recording studio
    • Resources
      • Solo Voice, Harmonica, Lead & Rhythm Electric Guitar , Piano & Drum Kit
    • Structure
      • Strophic with intro & fade out
    • Melody
      • Narrow range of notes in voice
      • Melody based on blues & minor pentatonic scale
      • improvised so every performance is varied
      • Vocal phrases fall from an initial high note (D) to a 5th lower (G)
    • Harmony
      • 12 bar blues sequence
      • Nearly every chord has added note harmony
      • Parallel chromatic chords - played by sliding up & down the frets on guitar
    • Tonality
      • G Major  with blue notes (flatterened 3rd, 5th, 7th)
      • No  modulations
    • Texture
      • Homophonic
      • Call & response between voice & lead guitar
    • Rhythm & Metre
      • Swung Quavers
      • Triplet subdivision of the beat
      • Stop time
      • Simple quadruple time


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