Henry VII : Government

  • Created by: ArronK99
  • Created on: 24-04-16 10:46
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  • Henry VII: Government
    • Councils
      • Henry's general admin
      • Justices of Peace
      • Learned in the law (learned)
        • Henry's debt collectors
        • Empson and Dudley
    • Court
      • Parliament
        • The main government used to pass laws/acts. Also granted money
        • Only called 7 times
      • Lord Chancellor
        • In charge of chancery and exchequer
      • Court of Star Chamber
        • Tribunals; gave nobles the chance to appeal to Henry e.g. benevolences
        • Dealt with nobility crimes
    • Exchequer (privy chamber)
      • System of finance used at the beginning of Henry's reign
        • Changed from the Yorkist Chamber system
    • Great Councils
      • Chancery
        • Dealt with inheritance, wills, debts etc
      • Privy Seal
        • The royal seal used to pass laws


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