National 5 History Unit 2: Changing Britain- Health & Housing

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  • Health & Housing
    • Poor Housing
      • Tenements
        • Poor ventilation
        • Poor lighting
        • Close together (no light/fresh air)
        • No building regulations
        • No running water
      • Overcrowding
        • Large families
        • Immigrants
        • People surviving infancy more
        • Search for employment led many to cities
        • child labor meant more people to provide for family
        • Save money for rent, split between people
        • Meant disease spread easily
      • No sewage system
        • cesspools and piles of rubbish on streets
        • Outside toilet (up to 50 people sharing one privvy) close to water pump
      • Conditions
        • Filthy
        • Cold- only source of heat from fire
        • Smog and pollution from factories
        • Waste got into drinking water
        • constant stench
        • diseases thrived
    • Medical Problems
      • Chloera
        • drinking contaminated water
          • death often occurred within 24 hours
            • CLEAN WATER SUPPLY
          • diarrhea and stomach pains
      • Typhus
        • Consuming food/water that had been contaminated with sewage and the bacteria
          • High fever
          • Stomach pains
          • Diarrohea
      • Typhoid
        • A fever caused by bacteria and spread quickly by poor ventilation
      • Smallpox
        • A virus that would be breathed in by overcrowding
          • death toll was 1 in 3
          • Caused puss filled spots
            • EDWARD JENNER 1978 VACCINE
    • Why did living conditions improve?
      • National democratic reform
        • PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 1848
          • only 2 million out of 18 million received boards which controlled sewage, drainage, slaughter houses, roads and water supplies
          • New houses needed a toilet and supplied with clean water
          • Old buildings needed a cesspit or drainpipe.
        • PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 1875
          • Health and sanitary inspectors introduced into every city. Local authorities had to provide fresh water and organise refuse collection.
          • Public houses and lavatories built
      • Fear of disease
        • pushed for medical breakthrough
          • Vaccinations
          • Link with water supply and disease
          • Link with spread of diseases and overcrowding/no ventilation
          • More doctors trained to tend to sick
      • Local government reform
      • Improved water supply
        • Sewers built
        • Clean water piped into homes
      • Slum clearances
        • Artisans Dwelling Act allowed councils to demolish the worst slum areas and build new houses
      • Other health acts
        • Council lay sewers, drains, pavements and street lamps
        • refuse collection
        • Inspectors emplyed to make sure standards of streets/buildings maintained
        • Council provided baths & wash houses
        • NUISANCE REMOVAL ACT (1885)
          • enforced standards of good sold


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