Health and the people factors: Medieval

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  • Health and the People: Factors (Modern Medicine)
    • War
      • The mass-production of penicillin was sped up massively as a result of the Allies wanting to use it to treat soldiers on the battlefield during WW2.
    • Science + Technology
      • There were many advancements in diagnosing and treating heart conditions: in 1903 ECGs were invented, and in 1968 surgeons performed the first successful heart transplant.
      • Kidney Dialysis machines were introduced in 1940.
      • In 1980, keyhole surgery was first introduced.
    • Government
      • In 1948, Labour introduced the NHS: as part of a new set of social reforms employed after WW2.
      • In 1942, the US government provided funding to Florey and Chain in order to mass-produce penicillin.
    • Chance
      • Fleming discovered penicillin by accident: the bacterium literally flew through the window.
    • Communication
      • Faster trains allowed scientists and doctors to gather at conferences and learn from each other's ideas
      • The introduction of the internet has made a huge wealth of medical knowledge avaliable to all, surgeons and the public alike. However, this has led to a large about of people diagnosing themselves with conditions they do not have.


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