Proof of Marriage

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  • Proof of Marriage
    • A son is arguing his case on behalf of his mother, stating that she is the legitimate daughter of Ciron.
      • The mother married his father and she performed at the Thesmo. They had children and the Phratry, taking an oath that he was introducing children from an Athenian wife.
        • No one in the phratry denied them.  Therefore she must have been legitimate.
    • Theme: Laws and attitudes to inheritance
      • Husbands had to take measures to prove legimacy
        • For example present their wife and children to the phratry
    • Theme: Women's role in ritual
      • It was a respectable honour to be asked to take part in the Thesmo
    • Authorship: Isaeus was a skilled inheritance speech writer and therefore made concincing arguments


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