History - Germany 1919 - 1945

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  • Germany 1919 - 1945
    • Weimar Republic Problems
      • People thought that the Treaty of Versailles was harsh on Germany
      • Everyone was annoyed with the government for signing the treaty of versailles
      • March 1920 - Kapp Putsch - rebels tried to overthrow the government.
      • Freikorps were soldiers that refused to disband and formed private armies
      • Communist Spartacists uprising in Berlin
      • Nationalist terror groups killed 356 government officials
      • After failure of Kapp Putsch, red army rebelled in the Ruhr
      • Reperations payment failed in 1923 so the french invaded the Ruhr
      • Putsch in Munich by Nazis 1923
    • Weimar Germany 1924-1929
      • Hyperinflation!
      • Stresemen replaced the marks with Rentenmarks
      • The Dawes plan - Only had to pay when could afford
      • The young plan - a longer time frame to pay within
      • Borrowed money from the US to bring back jobs
    • Hitler's rise to power
      • American stock exchange collapse so America recalled their loans
      • Unemployment went up by 6 million
      • Anger and bitterness helped nazis gain support
      • Papen becamse president for 6 months and Schleicher for 2 months in 1932
      • 1933 Hindenberg offered hitler vice chancellor but hitler demanded chancelor
      • Workers turned communist so industrialists provided financial support for the Nazi party
      • 1928 Nazis had 12 seats in the Reichstag, 1932 - 230 seats and largest party
      • Hindenberg used article 48 to cut government expendature
    • Rechstag fire, Hitler blamed communists and had 81 officials arrested - 1933
    • Jews and anti-Nazis removed from civil service in 1933
    • 1933 - hitler made Nazis the only legal party and banned trade unions and replaced them with Labour front
    • June 1934 - Night of the long knives, Ernst Rohm leader of storm troopers killed with 400 of his men
    • Germany during the war
      • 1939 - Blitzkrieg Poland and then 1940 - Blitzkrieg Belgium, Lexumberg, Holland, Denmark, Norway and France
      • November 1939 Germany rationed clothes, no toilet paper, and only warm water twice a week to save fuel.
      • Black market developed because of rations
      • Nazis encorouged woman to work and have children
      • 1943 - Zoo animals were killed because the meat supply was so low
      • June 1941 start of Barbarossa campaign (invasion of Russia)
      • 1944 - 800,00 civilians killed by allied bombings


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