Frankenstein-Birth and Creation

This is a mindmap on the theme of Birth and Creation in Frankenstein

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  • Frankenstein-Birth and Creation
    • Victor usurps the role of God by giving birth to the monster
      • "A new species would bless me as its creator and source"
      • In her 1831 introduction, Shelley suggests that this is Frankenstein's main crime. his presumption in displacing God as the creator
    • Frankenstein also seeks to usurp the power of women.
      • He is refusing to conform to the restrictions of the conventional family, and the responsibilities.
      • (A04)
        • Frankenstein could also be revealing the fear of the natural processes of birth, possibly echoing Shelley's own ambivalence about childbirth
          • Shelley lost most of her children after they were born.
            • Victor's 'workshop of filthy creation' may have womb-like connotations.
    • Shelley creates an entirely secular world; Christian myth serves only to provide analogies
      • Perhaps we should consider the fact that Shelley is suggesting through Frankenstein's penance that he should never have attempted the act of creation
        • Shelley could be focusing not on what he does, but what he fails to do; nurture his creation.
  • Ellen Moers in 'Female Gothic' states that new-born babies represent the appearance of a monster


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