Failures of the Schleiffen Plan

  • Created by: Basital
  • Created on: 18-06-17 13:46
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  • Failures of the Schleiffen Plan
    • Changes
      • Schleiffen died in 1913
        • insisted right flank of army - part to go through Belgium, be the strongest
          • weakened it by sending additional troops to face russia
            • New commander von Moltke made cahnges
              • Decided not to go through Holland
                • Focused on narrow attack through Belgiu7m
                  • Abandoned in early September
                    • Battle of Marne
            • Not strong enough to ho through Belgium quickly
      • New commander von Moltke made cahnges
        • Decided not to go through Holland
          • Focused on narrow attack through Belgiu7m
            • Abandoned in early September
              • Battle of Marne
    • Belgian resistance
      • used deep concrete forts to protect Antwerp, Liege and Namur
      • Germans despite a million strong army
        • Heavy guns needed to destroy forts
          • Antwerp did not surrender till October - gave BEF time to arrive
    • BEF
      • Arrived in France on the 18th August
      • Well trained, well led by Sir John french
      • Moltke had to recall troops tp face them
        • Encountered at Mons 23rd august
          • BEF outnumbered so retreated
          • Slowed German adavance
        • 26th august - Le Cateau = same
          • Slowed German adavance
          • BEF outnumbered so retreated
    • French Resistance
      • attacked through Alsace=Lorraine
        • Suffered heavy casualties
      • Delay by the British and Belgians gave them time to move East and make a stand at Marne
    • German exhaustion
      • Plan dependent of rapid movement
      • Exhausted by pace expecetd of them
      • re-supply became an issue


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