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  • Exposure
    • 1st stanza elongated words to mirror the on going aching pain soldiers feel
      • "our" and "ached" long vowel sounds to emphasise the collective pain that's never ending
      • list in 1st stanza " worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous" shows how the soldiers are constantly mentally on guard which is why they are tired - they are fighting a battle with themselves in their minds
    • "merciless iced east winds that knive us" - the fact that their pain comes from the east could symbolise the soldiers lack of hope in survival. the sun rises in the east which is usually a sign of hope but here their pain comes from the east
      • "poignant misery of dawn starts to grow" - sunrise usually = hope but here its just another day for the soldiers to endure
        • "grow" sounds like its a disease. Maybe heat is an infection to the soldiers that crawls up their skin and makes them burn up
      • "dawn massing in the east her melancholy army" - shows how the soldiers believe the east and sunrise to be an enemy ready to kill
        • "melancholy" meaning sad this could represent the rain - weeping clouds
        • Untitled
        • "attacks once more in ranks of shivering ranks of grey" - German uniform was grey pathetic fallacy
      • "frost will fasten on this mud and us" - seperate them from the world above shows the enemy of the weather
        • "shaking grasp" cold hands or because they care
        • " all their eyes are ice" - if nature is the enemy its like hes taken over invaded tyhe soldiers souls
    • continuous elipsse mirrors the anti-climax of war and the drowsiness of the soldiers
    • "mad gusts tugging on the wire" - wind assisting in their capture and killing showing that the enemy is the weather
    • "twitching agonies" gerund quite fast pace word which contrasts to elongated "agonies" pain is fast but on going which could reflect the life of soldiers when they go home they have flashes of memories but their pain is still on going
    • "some other war" - two wars one with nature
      • "air that shudders black with snow" black = death and snow = death. As if the snow and death (air) is working with snow one kills the other buries but the snow keeps the bodies alive underground which mirrors what the winds noise does to the soldiers heads there bodies are frozen but there minds constantly on guard
        • "pale flakes with ********* stealth" enemy is so close it can touch you - intimacy in death
          • "we cringe in holes, back on forgotten dreams, and stare," - as if we are in the soldiers brain looking out
    • "Littered with blossoms trickling where the blackbird fusses"
      • ironic that spring means new life but they are surrounded with death and will never see new life
      • "littered with blossoms" could show the death of the fallen soldiers. could be a dig at the fact that during spring (new life) there is still death and even at the heart of a war others lives still continue people are still born.
        • the wind blows the  blossoms away showing that the weather kills the soldiers
      • "is it that we are dying" - limbo
      • "blackbird fusses" could be representative of Cerberus guarder of the gates of hell
    • "sunk fires" symbolises their dying maotivation - poem about decay - decay of the bodie and of their minds/hope
      • "crusted dark- red jewles" - symbolise dries blood death of the soldiers idealism
        • "crikets jingle there" - could be reffering to the constant dron of noise in their heads even when they are at a place of peace. OR "jingle" remind us of a nursery rhyme which reminds us that the soldiers are still very young (teens)
        • "innocent mice rejoice the house is theirs" - referring to their abandoned home lost but not forgotten and the mouse that now get to make their home
          • "shutters and door all closed" their homes are closed off to them whilst they are still alive - the soldiers have accepted they arent going home


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