
  • Created by: _bella_
  • Created on: 13-06-19 11:30
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  • Exclusivism
    • View that salvation is possible for  Christians and Christianity is The Truth
    • Augustine + Calvin
      • Divine election (144,000) we cannot change God's will
    • Roman Catholics
      • Only those who are baptised or have completed the 7 sacraments
      • Extra ecclesium nulla sulas- only those who are catholic can be saved
    • D'Costa
      • Universal access salvation is for all but God's will is that we all come to love Him
    • Kraemer
      • Salvation's only for Christians but God's revelation can be seen by those outside of faith
    • Barth
      • Knowledge of God can only be found when He chooses to reveal it through his Word (the Bible)
    • Criticism
      • Casues social dvision and conflict
      • Fails to recognises significant and rich teachings of other faiths
      • Makes Christian's arrogant
      • Not compatible w/ an all loving God


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