Ex Phys.

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  • Ex. Phys.
    • Energy Systems
      • ATP/PC
        • ATP>ADP+P (by ATPase) = coupled reaction with PC>P+C (by creatine kinase) ADP+P>ATP
          • +ves=no O2/no by-products/high energy
          • -ves= PC:ATP/ 10 secs/ small PC stores
      • Lactic acid
        • glycogen>glucose (by GP) / glucose>pyruvate (by PFK) =2ATP / pyruvate>lactic acid (by LDH)
          • +ves= glycogen in muscles/ 2ATP/ high intensity
          • -ves= slower than ATP/PC / fatiguing by-product/ pain
      • Aerobic
        • glycolysis(sarcoplasm)
          • glycogen>glucose (GP)>pyruvate (PFK)+O2>acetate+CoA> acetyl CoA =2ATP
            • +ves=no lactic acid/ 38ATP/ more than 180secs
            • -ves= slow/ O2/ not powerful
        • Krebs cycle (matrix)
          • acetyl CoA+oxaloacetic acid+ decarboxylating/ dehydrogenating reactions = 2ATP +NADH/ FADH
            • +ves=no lactic acid/ 38ATP/ more than 180secs
            • -ves= slow/ O2/ not powerful
        • ETC (cristae)
          • NADH/ FADH give H + e > 34ATP+ O2>H2O
        • ATP=only useable form of energy
        • Energy continuum
          • intensity/ duration = threshold/ OBLA ^ with intensity (affects pH= 4mmol/L)
            • O2 availability affects which fuels are used (fats need 15% more O2 to break down)
              • Fitness level - ^ means more efficient CV + resp. systems (untrained reach OBLA at 50-56% vo2 max / trained = 85-90%)
            • Fuel availability - PC + glycogen readily available - after completedepletion = FFAs
              • Enzyme activity - determined by ADP/ATP/PC/adrenaline/ insulin
        • Recovery
          • EPOC
            • Alactacid= fast/ HR^/ ATP/PC stores/ 2-3L O2 (30secs=50%/60 secs=75%)
              • restores ox-myglobin (ready for exercise)
            • Lactacid = slow/ complete recovery/ LA>CO2+H2O/ 5-8L O2/ 1-24hrs (cool down accelerates)
              • most glycogen restored 10-12 hrs + rate^ if high carb meal within 1 hr
            • O2 deficit created at start = O2 debt paid off at end (HR and breathing stay^)
          • training
      • Aerobic Capacity
        • The ability to take in, transport and use oxygen to sustain prolonged periods of aerobic work.
        • VO2 max
          • Body systems (CV, resp.)
          • Heredity (shows variation - slow twitch fibres..)
          • Training
            • Fartlek= variation - work within aerobic and anaerobic = improves VO2 mx and recovery process.
            • Interval= duration/ intensity/ recovery/ reps
            • Continuous= steady + sustained - HR above critical threshold 50-60%
              • karvonen principle  220-age =max HR CT = Resting HR + %( max HR – resting HR)
          • Age (1% decrease per year- CV+resp.= weaker left ventricle contraction/ weaker inspiration)
          • Gender= women 25% less
        • Tests
          • Direct
            • Gas analysis test= measures oxygen consumption (VO2max)
          • Indirect
            • Multi-stage fitness = progressive maximal - ends when fail to keep up with beeps - score and level compared to table
            • PWC 170 = sub-maximalon cycle ergometer- 3 progression levels HR plotted on graph and intensity at 170 estimated.
        • Food fuels = glycogen 20-45 mins then FFAs (15% more O2 needed) - if OBLA then back to glycogen as FFAs not broken down anaerobically.
        • adaptations = decreased resting HR/ ^SV/ ^cardiac vol./ ^O2 uptake/ ^lung vol./ ^Hb/ hypertrophy/ ^efficiency of FOG+slow twitch
      • Strength
        • Types:
          • Maximum= max force exerted by a single muscle contraction
            • 1RM/ grip dynamometer= hold above head and squeeze bring arm down - best of 3
          • Static= force exerted whilst muscle length remains constant
            • no single test - bicep curl = weakest at 50-60 degrees.
          • Explosive/ elastic= expand max energy into one/series of sudden, high intensity mvts.
            • Standing broad jump, vertical jump.
          • Dynamic= overcome resistance with high speed contraction
            • Wingate cycle test= warm up without resistance (150bpm), resistance added = pedals for 30secs - revolutions of wheel recorded every 5 secs - graph compared to norms (first 5 secs - highest power output = peak anaerobic power).
          • Endurance= sustain or withstand repeated muscle contractions
            • localised tests for muscle groups =no. of reps % of 1RM
        • Factors affecting
          • muscle composition=%Fast twitch fibres/ cross section/ size
          • Gender= females have lower muscle mass and less testosterone
          • Age= peak between 20-30 & decreases with age (less testosterone)
          • Training
            • free weights= allows joints pattern specificity, balance+ coordination/ reps, sets, resistance easily adjusted/ spotter needed, badly used =incorrect technique.
            • multi-gym= exercise machines with adjustable weight stacks = safe, easily adjusted/ not specific.
            • circuit /interval = repeated set a no. of times = ^ lactate tolerance + relief.
            • Plyometric = placing eccentric stretch, initiating stretch reflex,  ^motor units, preloading contractile force (recoil + voluntary = ^force)
        • energy systems + food fuel: explosive= alactacid+ ATP/PC / dynamic= lactic acid +glycogen/glucose / endurance= aerobic+ glycogen/ glucose/ FFAs.
        • Adaptations: neural = ^ fast twitch/ coordination/ decrease antagonist proprioceptor/ physiological= hypertrophy, ^ATP/PC, efficient LA removal, ^BP, cardiac hypertrophy, ^ capillary density.
      • Flexibility
        • Dynamic- RoM taking into account speed of movement.
        • Static- RoM not taking into account speed of movement - max RoM a tissue will allow.
        • Factors affecting= joint type, joint shape, gender, age, muscle length, temperature
          • Training
            • Static- passive= unassisted/ active= assisted by external force/ +safest, most effective/ - slowest, not dynamic
            • Ballistic- use of momentum to move joint through extreme end range/ +specific/ - no adaptation, risk of soreness
            • Dynamic- controlled ballistic, don't reach end range/ +active or passive/ - only for those already flexible
            • PNF- inhibits 'stretch-reflex' = static stretch, then isometric contraction for 10secs, relax/ +quick, better gains/ -complex, discomfort
            • Adaptations= ^elasticity, resting length/less risk of injury, DOMS, stimulation of stretch-reflex
        • Testing- sit & reach/ goniometer= measure angle of joint
      • Body Comp.
        • %fat mass and lean mass - males= 12-18%/ female= 22-28%
        • Assessing
          • Skinfold callipers- measures mm of subcutaneous fat /+ readily available, specific, cheap/ - trained
          • BMI- weight(kg)/ height(m2)- males= 20.1-25/ females= 18.5-23.8/ + accurate, easy/ - doesn't measure %fat
          • Bioelectrical impedance- low electrical current (fat prevents conduction)/ + accurate/ - affected by hydration/food
        • BMR- lowest energy expenditure (8hrs sleep, 12hrs fast)/ RMR- no need for sleep/fast= males- weightx10+(2xweight)/24(hour) females- weightx10+weight/24 (hour)
          • METs (metabolic equivalent task)- o2 consumption per unit of body weight per min (^ as work intensity does)= 3.5ml o2/kg/min= 0.0175kcal= 1MET
            • RMR x work METs = calories used in exercise (walk- 2/cycling-6/ football-8/ running-12.5)
        • RISKS- ^diabetes, ^cancer, atherosclorosis, stress on CV system (low SV, fatigue resistance)
        • Adaptations- ^calories burned, decrease fat mass, ^muscle mass
      • Performance enhancement
        • Dietary manipulation-legal/ pre-comp= ^fat+protein+^exercise (starves body of carbs)/ carb-load/ during= isotonic drink/ post= within 45mins ^protein.
        • Creatine supplements-legal/^ PC stores
        • Human Growth hormone- illegal/ stimulates growth+ decrease FFAs
        • Gene doping- illegal/ genetic engineering/undetectable
        • Blood doping+ RhEPO - illegal/^ vol RBC= ^o2 transport/ short term
        • Cooling aids- legal/ pre= jacket or towel- in hot temps, reduce core temp/ post= reduces swelling+ blood leaking, ^LA removal/ + cheap, easy/- may be working above HR target zone
        • Resistance- legal/ parachutes, pulleys/ ^ strength/ + cheap, easy/ - limited evidence for success


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