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  • Ecocritical
    • In which writers focus on the relationship between literature and the physical environment
      • Earth is seen as being central to literature as a whole
        • To ecocritics, if we don't have a planet to live on, then all other human concerns are futile.
    • the focus can be the following:
      • The different ways in which women and men write about nature
      • How the wilderness of nature has been represented over time
      • How language has been used to convey concerns about the environment
    • It is somewhat modern- it gained most momentum during the 1990s when scientists began to understand and acknowledge the length of the environmental crisis
      • Ecocritical literature try to showcase the readers how their actions impact the environment
    • The following questions are often asked:
      • What effect does the physical environment have in the plot of this novel?
      • How can the nature genre be characterised as a genre?
      • as well as race, genre and class, can place be considered a new critical category?
      • In what ways has literature affected humankind's relationship with nature?
    • Pastoral has three different definitions:
      • 1. refers to poems or dramas in which shepherds communicated with idealised views of the countryside.
      • 2. refers to literature that describes the countryside with an explicit/implicit contrast to the urban areas.
      • 3. A negative definition- it refers to an over idealised perception of the countryside.
    • Pastoral literature has been scrutinised for portraying a false ideology of nature
    • Eco feminists express the view that the exploitation of the earth is the same mind-set that results in the exploitation of minorities and women
      • To eco feminists, there would be no point in liberating women if there was no unpolluted planet
    • To modern critics, pastoral poetry simply covers up the real extent of the oppression and exploitation in pastoral economies


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