Disputed Laws of 1760s

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  • Disputed Laws of 1760s
    • The residence of custom officials in America after 1763
      • Officials previously British - benefited from income, while living in Britain
        • Delegated duties to deputies that had no interest in collecting taxes
          • Americans fearful that 'placemen' class would develop - loyal to London paymasters and result in an extension of unjust power by the executive
      • Smuggler trials to be held in naval court (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
        • Judge only - no jury
          • Extension of military power of civilians
          • Attack on principle of trial by jury
    • The Sugar Act, 1764
      • Same act, 1733 - duty of 6d/gallon molasses/sugar.  From non-British Caribbean colonies
        • Only yielded £21, 652 in 30+ years
      • Duty: 3d, but it HAD to be collected
        • Estimated it would raise £78,000/year
        • 9 colonial assemblies opposed - London abused power by raising the tax
        • Resented by merchants - affected alcohol cost
        • Limited impact to few people but collection relatively successful
    • The Mutiny Act, 1765
      • Required colonial assemblies to provide accommodation/supplies for British troops
        • Most accepted grudgingly
          • Why so many troops?
      • New York Assembly refused
        • HQ based in NY so burden greater
        • New York Restraining Act, 1767
          • Prevent NY assembly taking any legislative action until they complied with the Quartering Act
    • The Stamp Act, 1765
      • Announced 1 year before - Americans worked into a frenzy!
        • Rigorously opposed
          • Petitioning London for repeal
          • Inter-colonial congress (9 colonies - 1st of kind) met and condemned act
          • Sons of Liberty - mob activity in Boston
          • Formal/informal boycotting of British goods
      • Stamps fixed on almost all formal docs.
        • Repealed 1766
          • Declaratory Act - 'colonies subordinate to Crown and parliament of GB'
            • Parliament full authority to make laws for Americans 'in all cases whatsoever'


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