Psychological Diagnosis

  • Created by: tirvine96
  • Created on: 23-12-18 12:16
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  • Diagnosis
    • What Is Diagnosis?
      • identification and labelling of a disease based on it's signs and symptoms
      • A main purpose of diagnosis is to guide treatment planning
      • Can be applied to a wide range mental illnesses e.g. depression, anxiety, OCD and trauma
      • Mental disorders diagnosed using either the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) or the International Classification of Diseases for Mental and Behavioural Disorders (ICD-10)
    • Strengths of Diagnosis
      • Points towards a treatment
      • Provide a reasonable prediction of response to treatment  and provide a prognosis.
      • A diagnosis is not about applying a label to a problem; it is about discovering solutions, treatments, and information related to the problem.
    • Limitations of Diagnosis
      • It can lead to biases in the general public and the media towards the mentally ill e.g. that they are unpredictable, dangerous and to be avoided
        • These biases may lead to the avoidance and isolation of these individuals due to fear and suspicion
      • Biases exist by clinical professionals as they use the medical model in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders
        • Medical diagnosis of a disease involves gaining an understanding of the existing condition of the patient and his or her symptoms, what causes these symptoms, and how the symptoms can be treated
          • If a patient presenting with hallucinations is given a diagnosis of schizophrenia, this diagnosis gives no information about the cause of the symptoms, not the possible treatment.
      • Without explanation adds to the media's negative perception of mental illness- creating stigma
      • Leads to less than optimal, ineffective, or harmful treatment
      • Leads to misunderstanding persons and their problems
      • Decrease client responsibility/ motivation to change
      • Create unwarranted guilt or shame
      • Focus attention away from key dimensions of a person's problems


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