Option 2: Delian League to Athenian Empire

  • Created by: Anoush
  • Created on: 28-12-15 13:46
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  • Delian League to Athenian Empire
    • The origins and development of the Delian League
    • The growth of Athenian imperialism: rebellions and reactions (Samos, Mytilene, Melos, Sicily).
    • The results of Empire, both for Athens and her allies, specifically tribute, its organisation and collection; the significance of inscriptional evidence.
    • Methods of control, both military and political.
    • Athenian and allied views of the Empire; and the importance of Thucydides as a source for these.
    • Literary sources:
      • Aristophanes, Birds 1035-42
      • Aristotle, Constitution of the Athenians 23.4-5
      • The Old Oligarch
      • Plutarch, Aristides 23, 24.1-5
      • Plutarch, Pericles 12.1-5
      • Thucydides, The pentaconteteia, The Mytilene Debate, The Melian Dialogue
      • H.D.F. Kitto, The Greeks
      • Russell Meiggs, The Athenian Empire.
      • Pamela Bradley, Ancient Greece
    • Archaeological Sources
      • Chalcis Decree
      • Cleinias Decree
      • Methone Decree
      • Standards Decree


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