Decay - B4 GCSE OCR

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    • Micro-organsims
      • decomposing is done by micro-organisms
        • Decomposers: Soil Bacteria    Fungi
      • 2 types in decay: Detritivores and Saprophytes
        • Detritivores feed on dead or decaying material
          • Examples: earthworms, maggots and woodlice
            • They break up material into smaller parts and  which gives them a bigger SA to work on which speeds up decay
        • Saprophytes  feed on decaying material through extracellular digestion
          • Example: fungi
            • they feed by secreting digestive enzymes which break down the material into smaller bits which are then absorbed by the saprophytes
    • Rate of Decay
      • Affected by 3 main factors:
        • Temperature
          • Moister things decay faster
            • micro-organisms need water
        • Water
          • Warmer temperature makes things decay faster
            • speeds up respiration in micro-organisms
        • Oxygen
          • More oxygen makes things decay faster
            • Micro-organisms respire aeorbically when there is more oxygen so they will provide more energy to the decaying process
        • Optimum levels of these 3 factors means there will be more micro-organisms which will make the object decay faster
    • Reducing Rate of Decay
      • Canning
        • Keeps decomposers out
      • Cooling
        • Slows down decomposers reproduction rate
      • Freezing
        • Stops decomposers reproduction
      • Drying
        • Not enough water for decomposers to carry put cell reactions
      • Adding salt or sugar
        • High concentrations of salt or sugar cause the decomposers to dry out because of osmosis. so they can't work
      • Adding vinegar
        • The acidity of the vinegar kills the decomposers


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