disraelis reforms

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 13-01-14 19:42
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  • Conservative comeback in 1874
    • domestic reforms had upset many key interest groups from different classes. The upper classes felt under attack after the aremy and civil service reforms and some of the middle class were unhappy about increased taxes as a result of the education act and the public health act.
      • foreign policy was under fire from the Tory press and the wider public for its weakness. Anglicans and non conformists upset education act.
    • The conservatives had always been part of the upper class, and retained upper class support in the 1874 election however they broadened their support by capitalising on public fustration with the liberal party after the reforms.
      • Disraeli made vague speeches about social reform and emphasized 'englishness' and used symbols e.g. the queen and anglican bible to gather support. The conservatives said they would defend every mans individual rights against government policies - may have appealed to newly enfranchised artisans.
    • Disraeli's first ministry 74-80.
      • Historians such as paul smith belive disraeli was implementing tory democracy seeking to elevate the condition of the people.
      • REFORMS
          • This act gave local authorities the power to purchase and knock down slums. Low interest gov. loans were provided for this. Was permissive so ignored by many towns.
            • By 1979, the Act had only been used in London and 10 other towns.
        • PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 1875
          • set out minimum standards of drainage, sewage and refuse disposal. Local authorities were complelled to appoint a medical officer who would investigate and report outbreaks of infectious diseases.
          • essentially enforced previous leislation which had been permissive. Hailed as a great success but supporters of laissez faire complained.
        • SALE OF FOOD AND DRUGS ACT 1875.
          • stamp out adulteration of food. Introduced by Richard Cross e.g. chalk to flour. was not compulsory to appoint a food analyst so reduced impact of the act
        • rivers pollution act 1875
          • Made it illegal to contaminate rivers with noxious fluids. not complusory.
            • set up attendance committees although still didnt make attendance compulsory. However, it stopped children from workning unless they could get a certificate showing a basic level of education.
          • samuel plimsoll - ships were to be inspected and better accomodation introduced, the plimsoll line was introduced to tell if a ship was overloaded or not. However wasnt complsory and ship owners painted the line where they liked.
      • conspiracy and protection of property act 1875.
        • not illegal for unions to carry out any activity which would be legal for an individual. however, most union leaders continued to support liberals.
      • EDUCATION ACT 1876


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