Conformity: Types and Explanations

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  • Conformity: Types and Explanations
    • Conformity: A change in a person's behavior or opinions as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group of perople
      • Internalisation
        • Occurs when a person genuinely accepts the group norms
        • Change is likely to be permanent
      • Identification
        • We act in the same way as the group because we value it and want to be part of it
        • We don't always agree with everything the group believes
        • Publicly change our behaviors and opinions
      • Compliance
        • We outwardly go along with the majority view but privately disagree
        • Change only lasts as long as the group is watching
    • Dutsch and Gerard's two-process theory
      • Informational social influence
        • We agree with the opinion of the majority because we believe it is correct.
        • We accept it because we want to be correct as well
        • May lead to internalisation
          • Internalisation
            • Occurs when a person genuinely accepts the group norms
            • Change is likely to be permanent
        • Research Support
          • Lucas
          • Mathematical Problems
          • Shows people conform in situations where they dont know the answer
          • Individual differences
            • Doesn't affect everyone's behavior in the same way
            • Asch found that students were less conformist than other participants
      • Normative social influence
        • We agree with the opinion of the majority because we want to be accepted
        • Gain social approval and be liked
        • May lead to compliance
          • Compliance
            • We outwardly go along with the majority view but privately disagree
            • Change only lasts as long as the group is watching
        • Individual differences
          • Doesn't affect everyone's behavior in the same way
          • More affect on those who care about being liked - nAffiliators
          • Shows that the desire to be liked underlies conformity
          • Research support
            • Asch found his participants went along with the wrong answer because other people did
            • Writing down answers conformity fell to 12.5%
        • NSI and ISI Work together
          • Informational social influence
            • We agree with the opinion of the majority because we believe it is correct.
            • We accept it because we want to be correct as well
            • May lead to internalisation
              • Research Support
                • Lucas
                • Mathematical Problems
                • Shows people conform in situations where they dont know the answer
                • Individual differences
                  • Doesn't affect everyone's behavior in the same way
                  • Asch found that students were less conformist than other participants
            • More often both processes are involved
            • In Asch with desenter it reduced power of NSI because provides social support
              • May reduce ISI because alternate source of information


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