Conformity: types and explanations

  • Created by: Faithp
  • Created on: 18-06-17 19:50
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  • Conformity: types and explanations
    • Types (Kelman 1958)
      • Internalisation
        • When a person genuinely accepts the groups norms.
        • Both publicly and privately change their opinions / behaviour.
        • The change is permanent as attitudes have been internalised i.e. a part of the way the person thinks.
        • The change persists even in the absence of other group members.
      • Identification
        • Valuing the majority's opinions / behaviour.
        • Identifying with the majority so they can be a part of it.
        • Publicly change their opinions / behaviour but privately don't agree with what the group stand for.
      • Compliance
        • Results in only superficial change.
        • The opinion / behaviour stops when the group pressure stops.
        • Involves going along with others so publicly changing opinions / behaviour but not privately changing them.
      • Suggested that there are three ways in which people conform to the opinions of a majority.
    • Explanations (Deutsch and Gerard 1955)
      • Normative social influence (NSI)
        • Its about norms i.e. what is normal or typical behaviour for a social group.
        • People prefer to gain social approval than be rejected.
        • It is an emotional process.
        • Can occur in situations with strangers where you may be worried about rejection.
        • Can occur with people you know as that's when you are the most concerned about social approval.
        • Can occur in stressful situations where there is greater need for social support.
      • Informative social influence (ISI)
        • Can occur when one person or the group are seen as being more of an expert.
        • Also occurs in crisis situations where decisions have to be made quickly.
        • Follow the behaviours of the group because they want to be right.
        • It's a cognitive process as is to do with the way an individual thinks.
        • Likely to happen in situations that are new to a person or ambiguous situations where it is not clear what to do.
      • A two-process theory suggesting there's two main reasons why people conform: the need to be right (ISI) and the need to be liked (NSI)


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