Community Sentencing

  • Created by: Zxinab_az
  • Created on: 27-03-19 11:48
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  • Community Sentencing
    • Community sentencing is when you have been convicted of  a crime and  have to do community service rather than go to prison
      • More common for minor sentences, first sentences and if a court does not think a custodial sentence is appropriate
      • Involves voluntary work or unpaid work in the community such litter picking or painting community buildings. This is called community payback.
      • Offenders may be given curfews and be restricted from areas and have to report to a community offender manager.
        • If an offender doesn't meet the requirements, they could have a custodial service.
    • Strengths
      • +Offenders can be given a second chance to make up for a crime their crime by giving something back to the community.
        • It prevents a new offender from going to prison where they can make many criminal connections and get involved in more serious crimes.
          • The theory is that they will be less likely to re offend.
      • Community Sentences are given in appropriate circumstances, they may be more suitable punishments then imprisonment.
        • This may result in the offender less likely to re offend because they have avoided prison.
    • Weakness
      • Some view community sentencing as a soft option
        • With a recidivism rate of over 30%, it is not seen as an effective form of punishment and cannot be used as an alternative for prison.
          • This means the likelihood of re offending during and after the service is really high.
      • A reason for low success rate of community sentencing is that over 10% of offenders failed to complete their community service.
        • This may be because they break their curfew, fail to show up for community service or are convicted for further offences
    • Done by Mnar Naif, Hafza Ahmed, Zainab Zahid


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