Key Definitions

GCSE Psychology key terms, AQA



Storage - encoded information that is kept in Long Term Memory so it can be accessed at a later date.

Retrieval - accessing or retrieving the information from storage.

Duration - how long information can be kept in each store of memory.

Capacity - how much information each store of memory can hold.

Sensory Memory - unencoded informationrecieved through our senses is held for just a few seconds in the sensory memory store before being passed on to the short-term memory for encoding.

Long-term Memory - (LTM) the storehouse of all things that are not currently being used. Duration up to a lifetime and the capacity is limitless.

Amnesia - memory loss that is usually caused by physical injury to the brain; it can also be caused by a traumatic, emotional event.

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Non-verbal Communication

Non-verbal Communication - The process of sending and recieving messages  through gesture, body language, posture, facial expressions and eye contact.

Verbal Communication - speaking directly, using sentences etc.

Paralynguistics - the vocal features that accompany speech, including tone of voice, emphasis and intonations.

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Development of Personality

Personality - relatively stable and enduring subjects of individuals that distinguish them from oth

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