
  • Created by: Rob95
  • Created on: 20-04-14 18:56
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  • Colonisation
    • West Africa
      • The French 1870-1914
      • Slaves and assimilation of French culture
      • Africans were categorised as "subjects" until after WW2 then they became "citizens"
    • Palestine
      • The Jews but there by   Britian      1917-1948
      • Survivers of the holocaust
      • Ethnic conflict due to nationalism - Israeli-Palestinian war 1948-2009, 14,500 casulties and losses
    • Quebec
      • The French 16th Century
      • For trade and further expansion of the French empire
      • There are now 56 aboriginal communities and on-going political debates over land ownership
    • India
      • British Empire 17th-18th century
      • The rich resources and material goods lead to the expansion of capitalism and power.
      • Trade and factories industrailsied the country
    • South Africa
      • The British 1880 - 1902
      • Didn't want the French to have it as countries were competing for power during this time.
      • Britian changed the political system and used slaves to gain resources by means of mining and agriculture


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