Chapter 1

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  • Chapter 1 - Short Term Preparation
    • Warm-Up
      • Pulse Raiser
        • Raise heart rate and body temp
          • Physiological ready for sport
      • Sport Specific
        • Technique of your sport - technical drill
          • Mainly psychological - raise confidence
      • Injury Prevention
        • Stretching: Dynamic and Static
          • Increase elasticity of muscles - increase flexibility - reducing risk of injury eg. sprains and strains
      • Why warm up?
        • Prepare body physiologically and mentally for sport
        • Improve performance
        • Reduce risk of injury
    • Stretching
      • Dynamic
        • Stretching involves controlled movement, taking the joint the full range of movement
      • Ballistic
        • Involving movement, uses momentum to forcefully stretch the muscle
      • Static
        • ''Traditional Stretching'' - without movement, safest way to stretch. Stretches to a safe limit, up to 30 seconds
      • PNF
        • Advance form of flexibility training. Passive stretching followed by isometric.
          • Partner stretches performers muscle to limit. Held for 5-6 seconds. Partner then pushes if further then limit quickly before then relaxing. Then immediately pushed past limit for 30 seconds.
    • Energy Systems
      • ATP-PC
        • 5-10 sseconds
        • High intensity
        • Eg. 100 metre sprint
      • Lactic Acid
        • Eg. 800m
        • Lactic Acid build up
        • 10-90 seconds
      • Aerobic System
        • Up to 90 minutes
        • Eg. Marathon 'hitting the wall'
    • Diet
      • Carobhydrates
        • Main energy source - glycogen
      • Protein
        • Growth and repair of muscles
      • Fat
        • Really hard to eat less than 10% fat
        • Provides energy
      • Vitamin
        • Vitamin A: Boosting immune system
      • Minerals
        • Iron: Helps the production of red blood cells
      • Supplements
        • Creatine
          • Increase creatine stories
        • Ginseug
          • Helps recovery
        • Caffeine
        • Vitamins
        • Minerals
        • Carbo-loading
          • Increases glycogen stores
      • Water
        • 1% drop of body weight in sweat lose of 5% performance
      • Energy drinks
        • Hypertonic
          • High levels of carbohydrtes
        • Hypoonic
          • Low levels of carbohydrates
        • Isotonic
          • 6-8% of carbohydrtes


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