Changing Places: Concept of Place

  • Created by: carys
  • Created on: 27-05-19 15:10
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  • Changing Places - Concept of a Place
    • A 'place' is made up of all the things that come together to make a place what it is.
      • It's LOCATION:  plotted on a map or defined by grid references.
      • PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: topography, physical features eg Mountain range. Can change over long term, and short term eg volcano eruption
      • HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS: who lives there and what are they like. Also, land use and built environment. Changes over whole lifetimes and shorter, eg Migration.
      • SENSE OF PLACE: the emotional meanings. eg A place may feel like 'home'
      • All the things that FLOW in and out of the place eg people, money, ideas and resources.
      • LOCALE
    • Aspects of a Place
      • Descriptive Approach: the world is a set of places and each place can be studied as distinctive.
      • Social Constructionist Approach: A place is a set of social processes occurring at a time. Eg Trafalgar Square - built to commemorate navel victory, viewed as a place of empire or colonialism.
      • A phenomenological place: how an individual person experiences a place. understanding personal attachments.
    • Glastonbury
      • LOCATION: Somerset. 23 miles south of Bristol.
      • LOCALE: Visitor attractions include Glastonbury Abbey and Tor. Pagan beliefs still celebrated.
      • SENSE OF PLACE: great place of spiritual importance. for others, it evokes emotions about the music festival taking place on Worthy Farm.
    • EXPERIENCED PLACES: where people have spent time. shapes their sense of place, the things they see and people they meet
    • MEDIA PLACES: places people have not been to, but have created their sense of place through depictions in the media.
    • Insiders or Outsiders: many people create their IDENTITY based on the places they feel CONNECTED to.
      • INSIDER: feels familiar and and welcome. eg Can speak the language, holds a passport for the place, conforms to local norms, safe and happy.
      • OUTSIDER: feels unwelcome and excluded. eg International migrants, with a limited visa, may not be able to work and vote, struggles with language and frequently makes faux pas. homesick, alienated, in exile.
    • PLACELESSNESS: the idea that a landscape could be anywhere in the world because it lacks uniqueness. eg An Airport Terminal


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