Case Study 18: Interdependence and Aid

  • Created by: Elise-741
  • Created on: 28-05-17 14:00
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  • Case Study 18: Interdependence and Aid
    • Key Terms:
      • Interdependence: interdependence between countries means that they are dependent on one another in some way
      • Emergency /short term aid: given during times of extreme stress such as natural disasters
      • Long term/development aid: given to help a country develop in a sustainable way
      • Cooperative- people working together to help improve the community
    • Mali is in the west of the continent of Africa, between the equator and the tropic of Cancer putting it in the Sahel region
      • Climate in Mali is dry and hot. The average temperature is 28.7 degrees and rainfall totals at 172 mm a year most of which falls in summer
    • Problems faced in Mali:
      • Less than 40% of children get an education meaning they will be unable to get skilled work and earn enough income to break the poverty cycle
      • Many people are malnourished making them weak and prone to disease so they are unable to work
      • Wages are less than $1 a day so people cannot afford to live
    • Fairtrade
      • Helped Mali by drilling wells to improve access to clean water and allowing them to grow and water crops
      • Provided a social premium which is used to build community facilities and services
      • Pays a fair and guranteed price to farmers for their cotton
    • Aid
      • Mali needs aid because it has suffered from drought which has led to significant and widespread famine. Life expectancy is low (only 50 years) and infant mortality is also very high. Overall it is one of the poorest countries in the wolrd
      • Emergency/ short-term aid is provided by governments and unions of MEDCs.
      • Multilateral aid is given through international organisations such as world bank
      • Conditional/ tied aid is given by MEDCs for their own benefits
      • Charitable aid is given by public donations and NGOs
      • Aid has increased life expectancy, reduced infant mortality and malnourishment, improved education and employability especially for women and taught new farming methods
    • Millennium Development Goals:
      • Agreed in 2000 with the aim of achieving them by 2015
      • Include: eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDs, malaria and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and global partnership for development


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