Case studies around the Multi-Store Model of Memory R.A

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  • Words at the end were still in the STM, and the ones were in the middle were forgotten due to STM capacity (Miller).
    • Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)
      • Words were remembered more from the start of the list because they had been transferred by rehearsal to the long-term memory.
      • Participants remembered more words on average from the and end.
      • The primary effect (beginning) and recency effect(end).
      • Participants were given a list of common words to memorize and then asked to recall as many as possible.
      • To investigate whether STM & LTM are different memory stores.
      • This is called the serial position effect.
  • It has little effect on STM but severely impairs the LTM.
    • Korsakoff's syndrome
      • Chronic alcoholics develop this syndrome which causes brain damage.
      • This therefore suggests they are stored in different areas of the brain.
  • This left HM with severe anterograde amnesia- meaning he was unable to make any new memories.
    • Milner at al (1966)'s Case Study on Epilepsy patient HM
      • HM suffered from severe epilepsy, he underwent surgery which later went wrong damaging his hippocampus.
      • He could not make any new episodic and semantic memories because his STM and LTM were not connected.
      • They investigated anterograde amnesia by using numerous psychometric tests and experiments and observations.
      • HM had the ability to learn motor skills- showing his procedural memories were intact stil
      • Damage to the hippocampi destroy the LTM and leaves pateints in a world of memories lasting as long as their STM.
  • Cases of brain damage like this support the distinction between the STM and LTM.


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