Car Design

  • Created by: Jo Wells
  • Created on: 28-12-12 20:15
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  • Car Design
    • Brakes
      • Work against the kinetic energy of the car
        • Transfer it to heat & sound
      • Regenerative brakes put the motor into reverse (not heat energy)
        • Slowing the wheels
        • Motor acts as an electric generator, converting kinetic into electrical energy = stored as chemical energy in vehicle's battery
        • Store energy, rather than waste it
    • Designed to convert KE safely in a crash
      • So people in car DON'T experience huge forces
      • Crumple Zones (at front & back)
        • KE is converted (into other energy) by the car body as it changes shape
        • Increase impact time, thus decreasing force produced
      • Side Impact Bars (strong metal tubes in door panels)
        • Help direct KE away from people to other areas
      • Seat Belts
        • Stretch, increasing time taken to stop
        • Some KE of wearer is also absorbed into belt
      • Air Bags
        • Slow person down more gradually
        • Prevent person hitting surfaces in car
    • Power Ratings
      • More powerful engine = more energy it transfers from fuel every second (FASTER)
      • Typical small car = 50kW & sports car = 100kW
    • Aerodynamic = minimises air resistance
      • More aerodynamic = higher top speed




Wow, this scheme of car design is absolutely incredible! As an avid car enthusiast, I was captivated by the detailed diagrams and information provided. It's clear that a lot of thought and expertise went into creating this resource.

One aspect that particularly caught my attention was the section on fabrication. It's fascinating to see how these intricate car designs come to life through the skilled work of professionals. For anyone interested in learning more about the fabrication process, I highly recommend checking out this fabrication shop. They offer a wide range of services and products that can help bring your automotive dreams to reality.

Overall, this website is a treasure trove of knowledge for car lovers like myself. Whether you're interested in the aesthetics, functionality, or technical aspects of car design, you'll find plenty of valuable information here. I can't wait to explore more and continue expanding my understanding of the fascinating world of car design.

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