C-I interaction- Reciprocity and Interactional synchrony

  • Created by: MollyL20
  • Created on: 20-10-20 17:45
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  • Caregiver-infant attatchments
    • From an early age, babies have meaningful social interactions, these are said to have an important affect on the child's social development
    • Reciprocity
      • From birth, baby and mum spend a lot of time together, babies have periodic 'alert phases' to signal that they are ready for interaction. Mothers tend to respond to this alertness around 2/3 of the time (Feldham and Eieldman 2007)
      • From around 3 months, the alertness of the baby tends to increase and involves close attention to each others verbal signs and facial expressions (Feldham 2007)
      • A key aspect of interaction is reciprocity. When an interaction is reciprocal when each person responds to the other and elicits a response
      • Traditions views show that babies take the passive role but it seems that they take more of an active role. Both mum and baby can initiate interactions and they appear to take turns in doing so like a 'dance' (Brazelton et al 1975)
    • Interactional synchrony
      • Can be defined as 'the temporary coordination of micro-level social behaviour' (Feldham 2007)
      • It takes place when a mother and infant interact in such a way that their actions and emotions mirror the other
      • Meltzoff and Moore (1977) observed the beginnings of interactional synchrony in infants as young as two weeks old.
      • An adult displayed one of three facial expressions or hand gestures. The child's response was recorded and identified by independent observers. An association was found between the expression or gesture the adult had displayed and the actions of the baby.
      • It is believed that the interactional synchrony is important for the mother-child attachment. Isabella et al (1989) observed 30 mothers and infants together and assessed the degree of synchrony.
      • They found that high levels of synchrony were associated with better quality mother-infant attachment


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