C-I interaction- Evaluations

  • Created by: MollyL20
  • Created on: 20-10-20 18:08
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  • C-I interaction- Reciprocity and Interactional synchrony- Evaluation
    • It's hard to know what's happening when observing infants
      • Many studies involving observation of interactions between mothers and infants have shown a similar pattern (Gratier 2003)
      • However, what's being observed is merely hand movements or changes in expression, its very difficult to know what is happening from the infants perspective.
      • This means that we cant really know for certain that behaviours seen in mother-infant interaction have a special meaning
    • Controlled observations capture fine detail
      • Observations of mother-infant interactions are generally well controlled procedures, with both mother and infant being filmed, often from multiple angels therefore very fine details can be noted
      • Babies don't know or care that they are being observed so their behaviour doesn't change in response to controlled observations, which is usually the problem with observational research
      • This is a strength because it means that the research had good validity
    • Observations don't tell us the purpose of synchrony and reciprocity
      • Feldham (2012) points out that synchrony simply describes behaviours that occur at the same time
      • These are a robust phenomena in the sense that they can be reliability observed but in this case its not as useful because it doesn't give us the purpose
      • However there is some evidence that reciprocal interaction and synchrony are helpful in the development of mother-infant attachment
        • As well as helpful in stress responses, empath language and moral development


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