Biology Chapter 7 - Part 2

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  • Biology Chapter 7 - Part 2
    • Dialysis
      • If a person has kidney failure, they can be kept alive by dialysis
      • 1) Blood flows between two partially permeable membranes
      • 2) Dialysis fluid contains the same amount of useful substances as the patient's blood so they do not need to be reabsorbed
      • 3)Urea diffuses out of the blood
      • Dialysis needs to be carried out at regular intervals
    • Kidney transplants
      • New kidney must be a very good 'tissue match' for it not to be rejected
        • The recipient's antibodies might attack the antigens on the donor organs because they recognise them as being foreign
      • Following the transplant, the recipient must take immunosupp-ressant drugs
        • These weaken the recipient's immune system so they are vulnerable to common infections
    • Controlling body temperature
      • Controlled by thermoregula-tory centre in the brain
      • Temperature receptors in the skin send impulses to the brain giving information about the skin temp.
    • Controlling blood glucose
      • The receptors in the pancreas monitors and controls the levels of glucose in our blood
      • Diabetes
        • Type 1 diabetes - if no insulin is produced so the blood sugar level gets very high
        • Type 2 diabetes - develops when the body does not respond to its own insulin
    • Treating diabetes
      • Type 1
        • Injection before meals
        • Exercise
        • Diet
        • Pancreas transplants
        • Transplanting pancreas cells
      • Type 2
        • Diet
        • Loosing weight
        • Exercise
        • Drugs that's help insulin work


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